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Freiwilligendienst inmitten einer Pandemie

Goodluck Mully ist 28 Jahre alt, Lehrer (Geografie und Politik) und kommt aus Kigonsera in Tansania. Kigonsera liegt in der Diözese Mbinga, der Partnerdiözese des Bistums Würzburg. Seit Ende April 2021 ist Goodluck hier und berichtet rückblickend über seinen Freiwilligendienst in der Kirchlichen Jugendarbeit Würzburg inmitten von Corona. Mitte Februar 2022 geht es für ihn und seine Mitfreiwillige Esta zurück nach Tansania. In seinem Bericht erzählt er von Herausforderungen, seinem Lieblingsplatz in Würzburg und von Dingen, die er gelernt hat und die ihn an Deutschland fasziniert haben. Viel Spaß beim Lesen :-)

"I thank God who continues to give me life and good health even after my arrival here in Germany at the end of April 2021 and that`s only by his love and grace to me. In general my life here has been very good despite of few challenges that have arisen and that is normal when you enter to a new environment, meeting new people, new climatic condition, new culture - like different types of food and language.

In my time here I have gained experience and skills in many things like managing and using well time, honestly and law abiding without being coerced (forced) by anyone whether at work, on the road and in public transports - like drivers and pedestrians following and obeying traffic rules.

Hygienic care to the environment like collecting and sorting wastes of different types for instance food scarps, plastics, furnitures and papers to its dustbin. Also protecting and respecting human rights and enhancing (practising) real democracy. A good example is from the general election held in this year that shows how the country is democratic matured and respects each others rights and decisions.

According to catastrophe that has plagued the world now day of Covid-19 it has been a bit challenge in my volunteering service here. When you have to wear a mask at gathering place, at work, on public transport and you have to be tested on Covid-19 always in order to find out how your health going on. That was never done before the pandemic to happen.

Also abit challenging is the climatic change especially during the winter time when the temperature is below 10 centigrade. While I`m outside the house it`s a bit challenge because it is very cold :-)

My favourite place where always I really like to go is the Residenz with its very big and beautiful Garden where you can go there for relaxing and you can meet a lot of people there."